2018 May / June Newsletter
Dear Colleagues,
It is my pleasure to announce the winners of the MacJannet Prize for Global Citizenship, now in its ninth edition. The secretariat received impressive nominations from Talloires Network Engaged Members around the world. I offer my sincere thanks to the courageous program leaders who are implementing the Network’s guiding values for higher education – social inclusion, leadership development, and ethical entrepreneurship. I would also like to thank the 7 civic engagement leaders from 5 countries who were part of the international selection committee.
The 2018 prize winners are:
The Mahabba Association, Ahfad University for Women, Sudan is our first place winner. Founded by two students, Mahabba supports Sudanese women who have been imprisoned for going into debt to provide for their families. Imprisoned women create hand crafts that students sell on campus and online, enabling the women to send money to their families, pay their debts, and return to their families and communities as entrepreneurs.
The Alas de Mujer (Women’s Wings), Tecnológico de Monterrey, Mexico is our second place winner. Tec students provide women in rural communities with seed capital to start businesses as well as training in entrepreneurship. Students, with support from faculty, work hand-in-hand with women and their families to start and run local businesses.
This year’s third place winner is Protection of the Environment through Income Generation, Livingstone International University, Uganda. The program’s mission is to address environmental problems by way of social entrepreneurship. For example, students have designed, built and sold energy saving stoves to alleviate the problems of unemployment, deforestation, and landslides in Eastern Ugandan villages.
Programa de Intervención Comunitaria, Universidad de las Américas, Chile, received honorable mention for designing and implementing a multi-year, multi-disciplinary program for the co-generation of knowledge with surrounding communities.
In closing, please note that the Talloires Network Newsletter will resume publication in early October. In coming months, we will continue our conversations and provide you with important updates by way of international workshops, conference calls, e-mail blasts, social media, and on the Talloires Network website. Have a wonderful summer and start to the new academic terms.
Anthony P. Monaco
President, Tufts University
Chair, Talloires Network Steering Committee
Learn more about the prize winners and nominees here.
Engaged Member Highlights
Cheryl de la Rey represents the TN at the Going Global Conference
Cheryl de la Rey, Vice Chancellor and Principal at University of Pretoria, and Vice-Chair to the Talloires Network Steering Committee, gave a moving key note address to the delegates of the Going Global 2018 conference. She highlighted how university networks like the Talloires Network are contributing to the social transformation and development of societies. Download the presentation here.
Rutgers University-Newark is attracting honors students with social justice
Rutgers University-Newark actively contributes to the development and transformation of the community. The Rutgers’ Honors Living-Learning Community (HLLC), created in 2016, brings together dozens of students of color each year for a residential program that combines rigorous academics with a social-justice focus. Learn more about HLLC and its impact here.
University of Cape Town welcomes new leadership
Professor Mamokgethi Phakeng has been officially appointed as the new Vice-Chancellor of the University of Cape Town (UCT), effective July 1, 2018. Professor Phakeng suceeeds Max Price who served as Vice-Chancellor since 2008. Learn more about UCT’s new Vice-Chancellor here.
Virtual Online University in Pakistan launches “DigiSkills”

News and Opportunities
Gateways: International Journal of Community Research and Engagement new volume is released
Spanish University Service-Learning Network becomes a legal association
CLAYSS to hold its 21st International Service-Learning Conference