Art of Giving (Kalinga Institute of Industrial Technology, India)
Art of Giving is all about creating an unconditional and sustainable abundance of love, peace and happiness and contentment for others through gestures of kindness and generosity. It was founded by Shri Achyuta Samanta on 17 May 2013. The key to peace and happiness lies in unlocking the Art of Giving in each individual. Achyuta Samanta is the founder of Kalinga Institute of Industrial Technology (KIIT) and Kalinga Institute of Social Sciences (KISS), where altogether 60,000 students are enrolled in different academic programs.
Kalinga Institute of Social Sciences (KISS), a sister institute of the KIIT University provides free education, boarding and lodging to more than 30,000 tribal students below poverty line.

Ongoing Work of KIIT and KISS during the Covid-19 Pandemic

Ongoing Work of KIIT and KISS during the Covid-19 Pandemic
Students pursuing other academic programs at the KIIT University are trained and exposed to the social services and commitment towards uplifting socially challenged people at the KISS. The purpose behind the establishment of KISS and Art of Giving is to make concerted efforts towards inclusive education, women empowerment, tribal uplift and sustainable development. We have grown to become the world’s largest residential education institution for tribal children.We firmly believe that this is the true sense of living in a democracy, where every person has the right to access resources and opportunities in order to live and develop with dignity and to become an active and contributing member of our society.
The primary aim behind Art of giving is also to make students aware about their responsibilities towards community and make them a responsible citizen. In KIIT we have students coming from all over the country and are the one who can afford quality education by giving their fees. On the other hand in KISS we have students coming from the poorest of the poorest economical and social strata of society. Art of Giving acts as not only a bridge between students from KISS and KIIT but also a catalyst between KIIT- KISS students and the community. Art of Giving and KISS is the result of passion, love and sincerity of our students towards community engagements. Our students are really inspired by our founder and believe in the Philosophy of Art of giving.
The program currently runs with the active involvement of our students both at KIIT and KISS supervised by our faculty and founder as well. Learn more about KIIT and KISS.