Basavanagouda Patil
Basavanagouda Patil (Basvan) graduated from the National Law School, India majoring in Law. As part of the Legal Services Clinic, Basvan was instrumental in devising social justice projects and engaging with different actors in implementation of legal policies; access-to-justice being the common theme through which these projects were devised. Upon graduation, Basvan won the Justice-Makers Fellowship 2014 awarded by the International Bridges to Justice (IBJ) at Geneva, Switzerland in recognition of his project on Children and Access to Justice. Basvan is the Founding-Director of Access to Justice Index™, a part of the Global Initiative for Access to Justice, which aims to improve global access to justice situation and to further the cause of the legal aid-pro bono/low bono movements worldwide. The method includes a country-specific rankings-based Index, aimed at holistically evaluating a nation’s effectiveness in providing access to legal resources and justice-dispensation mechanisms, especially to vulnerable sections of society.