Cardiff Metropolitan University (UK)
Cardiff Metropolitan University has five academic schools: Art & Design, Education, Health Sciences, Management, and Sport. It is located in Cardiff, the cosmopolitan capital of Wales. Part of the university’s mission is to “provide services that meet the needs of Wales and wider communities by working in partnership with city, national and international bodies.” Cardiff Metropolitan University’s website>>
Education by All for the Well-Being of Children 
Children across Wales will have the opportunity to make their voices heard thanks to a unique partnership between the University of Wales Institute, Cardiff and the Universal Education Foundation. The project aims to listen to the views of children so that they may actively take part in shaping their learning environments. After receiving training, university students will go to schools and the community to gather information from 15- and 16-year-olds as to how they build a sense of self and personal identity. The project then aims to support the development of young people’s well-being by actively engaging with young people and responding to their health, social, emotional, mental and spiritual needs.
Beyond the Maelfa
This community outreach project provides a learning opportunity for women who may not traditionally have considered Higher Education an option. Learners developed a research project based on the assets, challenges, and needs of their local community. They also took courses and received IT training. Learners were encouraged to consider continuing their education and community involvement.