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Get Engaged Conference 2024 hosted by Open Society University Network
June 24-July 1, 2024 in Berlin, Germany.

Transforming Europe through University Collaboration hosted by European Assocation for Service-Learning in Higher Education (EASLHE)
September 24-25, 2024 in Palma de Mallorca, Spain

2024 IARSLCE Conference
October 2-4, 2024 in San Diego, California, US.

THE World Academic Summit 2024 – 500+ delegates will convene at THE’s flagship event to focus on social responsibility and the obligation of universities to make a real difference to people’s lives.
October 7-9, 2024 in Manchester, England.


Universidade Católica Portuguesa – Porto, University as an Epicentre for Social Responsibility: Commitment to People and the Planet
Porto, Portugal. 19-21 June 2023.

Open Society University Network, Get Engaged Conference 2023
Budapest, Hungary. 28 June-14 July, 2023.

IARSCLE, 2023 Conference: Redefining Research, Access, & Inclusion in SLCE
New Orleans, Louisiana, United States. 25-27 October, 2023.


AAC&U 2022 Conference on General Education, Pedagogy, and Assessment
Virtual, 9 February, 2022; San Diego, USA, 10-12 February, 2022.

Times Higher Education (THE) Innovation & Impact Summit 2022
Stockholm, Sweden. 26–28 April 2022.

UNESCO World Higher Education Conference (WHEC2022)
Barcelona, Spain. 18-20 May, 2022.

NAFSA 2022 Annual Conference & Expo
Virtual, 4-5 May, 2022; Denver, USA, 31 May 31- 3 June, 2022.

Open Society University Network Get Engaged Conference
Budapest, Hungary. 26 June-1 July, 2022.

Global University Network for Innovation 9th Living Knowledge Conference 2022
Groningen, The Netherlands. 29 June-7 July, 2022.

International Association of Universities 16th General Conference
Dublin, Ireland. 25-28 October, 2022.

2021 Conferences and Events

University Social Responsibility Network
University Social Responsibility: Priorities for the Next Decade.” Pretoria, South Africa. 3-6 February 2021.

Student Affairs Administrators in Higher Education
“2021 NASPA Virtual Conference.” Online. 17-26 March, 2021.

Talloires Network Leaders Conference (TNLC2021)
Global Universities, Local Impact.” Boston, USA. September 30- October 3 2021.

International Association for Research on Service-Learning and Community Engagement
From Field Building to Global Action: Charting the Next 20 Years of Service-Learning and Community Engagement Research.” Minneapolis, USA. TBD Fall 2021.

Imagining America
2021 Imagining America National Gathering” New Orleans, USA. October 1-3, 2021.

2020 Conferences and Events

Global University Network for Innovation (GUNi) 
“Sustainable Development Goals and Higher Education.” Barcelona, Spain. 5-6 March 2020.

Campus Compact
Compact 20: The Promise of Full Participation: Democracy, Opportunity, Voice” Seattle, USA. 29 March – 1 April 2020.

Latin American Center for Learning and Solidarity Service (CLAYSS)
23rd International Service Learning Conference. Online. 26-28 August.

Engaged Scholarship Consortium 
ESC 2020 Virtual Meeting.” Online. Throughout Fall 2020.

Association of American Colleges and Universities
Lessons on Global Learning from Higher Education’s Response to a Global Crisis.” Online. 8-10 October, 2020.

Coalition of Urban and Metropolitan Universities
26th Annual Conference.” Online. 19–23 October, 2020.

2019 Conferences and Events

January 2019

Association of American Colleges & Universities
“Raising our Voices: Reclaiming the Narrative on the Value of Higher Education”, Atlanta, Georgia, USA. 23-26 January, 2019.

March 2019

Diversity Abroad
“Equity and Opportunity through Inclusive Global Education.” Boston, MA, USA. 2-5 March 2019.

April 2019

Brazilian Association for International Education (FAUBAI)
“Global Community Engagement.” Belém, Brazil. 13-16 April 2019.

May 2019

Going Global 2019
“Knowledge Diplomacy and the Digital World.” Berlin, Germany. 13-15 May 2019. 

July 2019

Student Affairs Administrators in Higher Education (NASPA)
Civic Learning and Democratic Engagement.” Fort Lauderdale, Florida, USA. 5-6 June 2019.

August 2019 

Latin American Center for Learning and Solidarity Service (CLAYSS)
 22nd International Service Learning Conference. Pontificia Universidad Católica, Argentina. 29-30 August.

October 2019 

Engaged Scholarship Consortium Deepening our Roots: Advancing Community Engagement in Higher Education” Denver, USA. 6-8 October, 2019

Association of American Colleges and Universities (AACU)
“Global Engagement and Social Responsibility”  San Antonio, Texas, USA. 17-19 October, 2019.

Coalition of Urban and Metropolitan Universities
“All In: The Urban Mission”  Philadelphia, USA. 21-23 October, 2019.

International Association for Research and Service-Learning and Community Engagement (IARSCLE). New Mexico, USA. 23-25 October 2019.

2018 Conferences

  • IARSLCE 2018
    The International Association for Research on Service-Learning and Community Engagement (IARSCLE) is pleased to announce that proposals are now being accepted for the 2018 conference in New Orleans, Louisiana, USA. The conference took place on July 18 – 20, 2018. The theme of the conference was “Just Research: Inclusivity and Intersectionality.” For more information about the conference visit
  • Centro Latinoamericano de Aprendizaje y Servicio Solidario (CLAYSS)  2018
    The “21st International Service-Learning Conference”,  was held on 23 and 24 August 2018 at the Faculty of Economics of the University of Buenos Aires in the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires. Visit the Conference website at:

2017 Conferences

  • The 3rd Annual International Universities Networking Conference. Miami, Florida, USA. 15-17 February, 2017.
    The IUNC Organizing Committee is hosting the 3rd Annual International Universities Networking Conference on the theme of “Building the Global HigherEd Community”. The conference will focus on creating opportunities for sharing Int’l HigherEd expertise and professional opinion, exchanging views and ideas, and finding new ways of cooperation. Conference information.
  • 9th Annual Conference on Higher Education Pedagogy. Blacksburg, Virginia, USA. 15-17 February, 2017.
    The Centre for Instructional Development and Educational Research, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, is hosting the 9th Annual Conference on Higher Education Pedagogy with a focus on the best practices in higher education teaching and the scholarship of teaching and learning. Conference information.
  • General Education and Assessment: Design Thinking for Student Learning. Phoenix, Arizona, USA. February 23-25, 2017.
    The Network for Academic Renewal is hosting a conference on “General Education and Assessment: Design Thinking for Student Learning” with a focus on the development of high-quality general education pathways that are effective for all students—especially those from traditionally underserved groups. Conference information.
  • 7th Annual Service Engagement Summit. Marriot North, Indiana, USA. February 27-28, 2017.
    Campus Compact is hosting its 7th Annual Service Engagement Summit which will focus on the role of social justice in higher education through the lens of power, privilege, and the coming together of communities. Conference information. Call for Proposals.
  • Ashoka U Exchange. Miami, Florida, USA. March 2-4, 2017.
    The Ashoka U Exchange is organised around the question of “How can we play a role in transforming our institutions into engines for social impact?” This year, the agenda will focus on key pillars of leadership critical to transform higher education into a tool for social impact. Conference website.
  • Ideafest. University of Victoria (UVi), British Columbia, Canada. 6-11 March 2017
    This is a weeklong festival of thinkers, innovators, and artists exhibiting world-changing ideas. This year’s festival features hundreds of speakers presenting on topics in government, ecology, sustainability, technologies, economics, culture, and the importance of art. The goal of the festival is to provide a time and platform for the presentation of “ideas that can change everything”, to challenge us to think larger about the interconnectedness of fields of knowledge, the potential in innovation, and the power of collective intelligence. Conference website.
  • ACE Annual Meeting. Washington DC, USA. 11-14 March, 2017.
    The American Council on Education is hosting its 99th Annual Meeting where discussions will be held on issues of higher education leadership; equity and social justice; leadership in a changing world; and innovation. Conference website.
  • 6th Eastern Region Campus Compact Conference. New York City, New York, USA. March 15-16, 2017.
    The 6th Eastern Region Campus Compact Conference will be held on the theme of “Moving Us Forward: Equity through Community Engagement”. The focus will be on exploring the extent to which community engagement activities contribute to equity in local and global communities. Conference information.
  • Faubai Conference, 2017. Porto Alegre, Brazil. 8-12 April, 2017.
    The Brazilian Association for International Education is hosting the FAUBAI Conference, 2017 on the theme of social engagement and innovation in the internationalization of Higher Education. Conference website.
  • Higher Education Leadership Forum. Carleton University, Ottawa, Canada. 26-28 April 2017.
    This forum will focus on addressing the role of leadership in Higher Education within a global context, focusing on internal and community-focused research, teaching, and leadership. Conference website.
  • C2U Expo 2017. Surrey and Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. 1-5 May, 2017.
    C2UExpo2017 is organising a conference to provide a space to discuss, analyze and synthesize community-campus partnerships. The topics of discussion will be social, health, environmental and community issues. Conference website.
  • Bringing Theory to Practice Project National Conference. Chicago, Illinois, USA. 24-26 May, 2017.
    Bringing Theory to Practice Project is hosting their National Conference on the theme of “The Whole Student: Intersectionality and Well-Being”. The focus will be on attending to the diverse identities of students and the intersections of those identities within themselves, with others, with  the campus, curriculum, programs, etc. Conference Website.
  • I Global Peace Conference. Baar, Switzerland. 29-31 May, 2017.
    The Institute for Peace and Dialogue will host their I Global Peace Conference on the theme of “View to Peacebuilding, Security and Human Rights in Modern World”. The focus will be on bringing together the leaders and activists from all over the world countries to exchange ideas, knowledge, practices and experiences on how to build a more peaceful world. Conference website.
  • APAIE 2017 – Conference and Exhibition. Kaohsiung, Taiwan. 20-23 March, 2017.
    The National Sun Yat-sen University, in collaboration with other local universities, is hosting the 12th Annual APAIE Conference on the theme of “New Era, New Horizon, New Frontier Higher Education in Asia Pacific” with a focus on issues of globalisation, international collaboration, student mobility, etc. Conference website.
  • Talloires Network Leaders Conference, 21-23 June, 2017 – TNLC conference website
  • 14th Association of African Universities General Conference. Accra, Ghana. 5-8 June, 2017.
    This conference is the largest decision making body of member universities in Association of African Universities (AAU). As such, this five-day conference will be centered on past and future methods for advancing various aspects of African higher education prioritized by the AAU. The conferences revolves around the sub-themes of promoting science, innovation, and technology, improving graduate employability and entrepreneurship, the role of the university in protecting the environment, methods for promoting democratic governance, and overall strategies for mobilizing resources throughout higher education. Conference website.
  • ARNA (Action Research Network of the Americas) Conference 2017, “Participation and Democratization of Knowledge: New Convergences for Reconciliation”. Cartagena de Indias, Colombia. 12-16 June 2017.
    The ARNA Conference seeks to enhance the understanding of participatory action research as a means of knowledge creation, personal empowerment, and embedded institutional practice. Conference website. 
  • 7th International Symposium on Service Learning. Galway, Ireland. 14-16 June, 2017.
    The National University of Ireland is hosting the 7th International Symposium on Service Learning. The theme of the conference is Service learning as a response to global transitions in higher education: Opportunities for transforming higher education and advancing social impact. the focus will be on transformation in higher education and the role service learning plays. Conference website.
  • 14th International Conference of Engaged Scholars and Practitioners. Adelaide, South Australia, Australia. 20-21 July, 2017.
    Flinders University is hosting the 14th International Conference of Engaged Scholars and Practitioners on the theme of “Creating Culture, Entrepreneurship and Knowledge through Engagement”. The main question addressed at the conference will be “how do we harness the benefits of collaboration and partnership to create culture, entrepreneurship and knowledge?” Conference website.
  • IV Service-Learning Research Symposium. Buenos Aires, Argentina. 23 August 2017.
    The symposium will focus discussions on global processes for monitoring and evaluating service-learning, as well as case studies and systemization of service-learning. Conference website. 
  • 2017 IARSLCE Annual Conference. Galway, Ireland. 14-16 September, 2017.
    The annual IARSLCE conference will be held on the theme of service learning and community engagement. The focus of presentations, symposiums, and keynotes is on research incorporating a variety of theoretical, methodologies, and perspectives. Conference website.
  • Global Youth Economic Opportunities Summit 2017. Washington D.C., USA. 27-29 September 2017.
    This global gathering of businesses, government agencies, and academic institutions will discuss methods to improve and grow youth economic programs, policies, and partnerships in a changing socio-economic world. Conference website.
  • Coalition of Urban and Metropolitan Universities (CUMU) Annual Conference. Denver, USA. 8-11 October 2017.
    This gathering of academic leaders will explore opportunities for substantive experiential learning and community partnerships for universities in urban environments. Conference website. 
  • 2017 Global Engagement and Social Responsibility: Higher Education’s Role in Addressing Global Crises. New Orleans, United States. 12-14 October 2017.
    This two-day conference will explore how universities engage with students at both the local and global level through learning within diverse contexts that allow for examination of real-world issues. They will also explore how project-based learning can advance ethical integrative thinking, research, and service. Attendees will be assessing global learning, engagement, and social responsibility to address how students exit higher education with a commitment to ensuring the well being of others. This conference will accept presentation proposals that display innovative and evidence-based approaches to meeting the sub-themes of the conference, until March 7th. Conference website.
  • 2nd World Congress on Global Access to Postsecondary Education: Working Together for a Democratized Postsecondary Education. São Paulo, Brazil. 2-4 November 2017.
    The Global Access to Postsecondary Access initiative will gather policy makers and institutional leaders to discuss strategies for engaging policy makers, institutions, and students in a collective agenda for improving access to higher education. Conference website.