Rhodes University (South Africa)
Rhodes is a public university located in the Eastern Cape province of South Africa. Rhodes University became an independent university in 1951, and now enrolls over 5500 students. Part of the institution’s mission is to affirm its African identity and to contribute to the development of the Eastern Cape and Southern Africa. Rhodes University’s website>>
Egazini Outreach Project
The Egazini Outreach Project is a community arts, culture and heritage initiative that was organized to re-interpret a local historical battle site. Two professors at Rhodes helped to train community members as Project Historians and charged them with the task of constructing a new sense of history from an African point of view. The Project has expanded to include economic development projects, and now runs community workshops and trains members in management skills. Learn more>>
Centre for AIDS Development, Research, and Evaluation 
The Centre for AIDS Development, Research, and Evaluation (CADRE) works to fast-track appropriate and effective responses to HIV/AIDS through informing policy and developing coherent strategic models for interventions. CADRE employees and volunteers assist local organizations to increase their capacity, evaluate programs, foster communication among programs, and conduct research. The Centre also produces a popular television series called Tsha Tsha that focuses on young people living in a world affected by HIV/AIDS. CADRE’s website>>
Lilian Ngoyi Hall Community Vegetable Garden
The LNH Community Vegetable Garden project was initiated with a view to: provide an activity that encourages members of the Hall to interact with the community and to build a Hall identity; grow a sustainable vegetable garden that serves the community; educate students in that process; ascertain and address shortcomings of home vegetable gardening; identify candidate organizations and provide vegetables and assist organizations in growing their own sustainable vegetable gardens. The main community organizations aided by the Community Vegetable Garden are the House of Joy and Cynthia’s Soup Kitchen.
Rhodes School Outreach
Rhodes contributes to education in the Eastern Cape by helping to develop curricula and upgrade teacher skills. The Centre for Social Development has served disadvantaged pre-school communities for 23 years, creating Early Childhood Development programs as well as working in school capacity building and community development. Learn more>>
Student Volunteer Programme
Rhodes University students are challenged to leave their campus academic environment and take their particular skills to the local impoverished Grahamstown community through the fast-expanding Student Volunteer Programme. The Programme is popular with students because of the opportunity it gives them for personal and professional growth. It has also proved to be a valuable resource to the 14 NGOs and CBOs assisted in the community. As of June 2005, in a University of 6000 students, over 125 students participated in the Student Volunteer programme. Because of the great poverty in Grahamstown, the potential to grow opportunities for students to engage with the community is unlimited. Learn more>>