Salim Habib University (Pakistan)
Salim Habib University places great importance to its Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). They believe that the need for CSR to take root in our corporate culture is all the more acute in the prevailing economic and social conditions of Pakistan. The Constitution of Pakistan prescribes certain essential principles of policy. Without the observance of these avowed goals, the country cannot progress towards elimination of poverty. The principles of policy for promotion and social justice and the economic well-being of the people include (subject to availability of resources) basic human necessities.
As such, Salim Habib University strives for the betterment of society / community along with all major stakeholders i.e. students, faculty, the accreditation and affiliating bodies for:
- Securing just and humane conditions of work
- Securing the well-being of people, irrespective of religion, gender or ethnicity;
- Providing basic necessities of life, such as food, clothing, housing, education and medical relief;
Salim Habib University has organized community services from time to time, and some of ongoing projects are as follows:
- Help for Flood Victims
- Drive Against Polio
- Tree plantation drive
- Breast Cancer Awareness Campaign
- Campaign against Child Labor
- Campaign Against Leprosy
- Blood Donation Camps
- Human Rights Awareness Campaign
- Epilepsy Awareness Campaigns
- Awareness Campaign for Smoking and its hazards
- International Conference on Water Conservation
- Seminar of Organ Transplantation Awareness with SIUT