Shifa Tameer-e-Millat University
Shifa Tameer-e-Millat University, Islamabad-Pakistan has been established under the Act of Parliament; namely, the Shifa Tameer-e-Millat University Act, 2012 (No. VII of 2012). This is a federally-chartered, not-for-profit, private-sector, and general-category University open for all the National and International students; duly empowered to provide education and scholarship in any branch of knowledge as it may deem fit, and to make provisions for research, service to the society, and for the application, advancement and dissemination of knowledge.
The vision of STMU is to provide a platform for research-oriented quality education to the students from the entire country and across the globe. STMU offers quality education with cutting edge technologies yet making it affordable to everyone. STMU at the undergraduate to doctoral level provides education and training in a vast number of fields, such as Medical, Dentistry, Nursing, Pharmacy, Medical Technology, Rehabilitation Sciences, Clinical Psychology, Biosciences, Health Professions Education, Business and Management Sciences, Computer Sciences, and Social Sciences and Humanities.

Shifa College of Dentistry
The teaching hospital of the University; namely, Shifa International Hospitals Ltd. (SIHL) Islamabad, is one of the three JCI (USA) accredited hospitals in Pakistan. There are more than 30 postgraduate training and residency fellowship programs, wherein about 300 trainers are enrolled. Health care services are being provided to the underprivileged population at primary health care to highly specialized tertiary health care level at a very nominal price or free of cost. The services are available at basic health care units located in Islamabad and Rawalpindi and the teaching hospitals of STMU.

Shifa College or Pharmaceutical Sciences
In addition, it maintains its charitable interest; providing state of the art treatment to 50% of its patients free of cost. The University provides free consultation and curative services in epidemics and emergencies both at local and national levels with a frequent extension of services abroad as well. Research, innovation and solving environmental, water and earth population are being conducted locally. The university initiates and actively participates in the environmental protection drives in the county on regular basis. Public education awareness and preventive aspects of various diseases along with the education/ awareness material in the local language are regularly prepared and distributed by the university departments and faculties.