University of Sindh (Pakistan)
The University of Sindh is a public university in Sindh, Pakistan. It was established in 1947, and is the second-oldest university in Pakistan. The current campus is in Jamshoro, about 15km from Hyderabad. The University of Sindh has 43 teaching institutes, centres and departments, and 4 Law Colleges and 74 Degree and Post-Graduate Colleges are affiliated with the university. University of Sindh’s website>>
Institute of Women Development Studies
The Institute of Women Development Studies was established in 1994 to advance economic and social opportunities for women, particularly women in rural areas. The Institute has prepared a detailed program for the awareness and empowerment of women in general and of rural women in particular, through seminars, workshops, field trips, free medical camps, and publication of relevant books and literature. Some of these programs address literacy, modern agricultural methods, and computer training. Learn more>>
Sindh Development Studies Centre
The SDSC is an academic, research and training centre. It has been involved in various agriculture, irrigation, environment, gender & rural development-related projects, funded by national and international organizations like the World Bank, DFID, SIDA, Asian Development Bank, Islamic Development Bank, Pakistan Agricultural Research Council, Higher Education Commission-Pakistan, Sindh Forest-Wildlife-Environment Department (Govt. of Pakistan), etc. It is also engaged in short-trainings and runs successfully regular and distance learning BSc and MSc programs in rural development.