University of the Free State (South Africa)
The University of the Free State is one of South Africa’s oldest universities, and celebrated its centenary in 2004. Its six faculties offer a full range of under- and postgraduate programmes to more than 25,000 students. The University is a multicultural and multi-lingual institution with parallel-medium instruction in English and Afrikaans. UFS’s home page>>
Education on Nutrition for the Southern Free State Communities
Through Community Service Learning modules, students from the department of Nutrition and Dietetics impart knowledge and support to communities in the three towns (Trompsburg, Philippolis & Springfontein) of Southern Free State. Educational sessions are presented at schools, old age homes, local clinics and during home visits.
Lengau Agriculture Development Centre 
The University of the Free State Chief Directorate Community Service together with Department of Natural and Agricultural Sciences support the community of rural areas in Qwaqwa to sustain their agriculture projects by providing skills and expertise. Agricultural products from the vegetable tunnels are sold to the community at a profit and provide an income to the unemployed. Learn more>>
UFS HIV/AIDS Education
Kovsie Support Services and the HIV and AIDS Centre conduct HIV/AIDS awareness campaigns both on campus and in the community. Additionally, some academic departments have taken the lead in incorporating HIV/AIDS issues into academic programmes. UFS is also engaged in important research on HIV/AIDS.