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Faculty Recognition

Greenfield, Nathan M. 2024. “Meet the Scholars Working with Real People on Real Problems.”

University World News

Greenfield, Nathan M; Saif, Shadi Khan. 2023. “Scholars Who Know the Real Meaning of Engaged Research.” University World News

Hoyt, Lorlene. 2010. “A City-Campus Engagement Theory From, and For, Practice.” Michigan Journal of Community Service Learning 17, no. 1: 75-88.

Hoyt, Lorlene. (editor). 2013. Transforming Cities and Minds Through the Scholarship of Engagement: Economy, Equity, and Environment. Nashville: Vanderbilt University Press.

Vuong, Trang, Newcomb Rowe, Amy, Hoyt, Lorlene, and Carrier, Carol. 2017. “Assessing Faculty Perspectives on Rewards and Incentives for Community-Engaged Work. A Multi-national Exploratory Study.” Gateways: International Journal of Community Research.

Warden, Rebecca. 2014. “Rewarding Academics for Civic Engagement Grounds.” University World News, no. 335, September 19.

Global University Civic Engagement Movement

Etingoff, Kim. 2014. Strong Roots, Strong Potential

Greenfield, Nathan M. (2022). “Education as a path to peace, hope, and prosperity.” University World News

Greenfield, Nathan M. (2022). “How an open, listening heart can lead to meaningful change.” University World News

Greenfield, Nathan M. (2021). “Teaching the power to make changes in everyday life.” University World News.

Guan, Yiyun Tom. 2020. “Talloires Network awards competitive grants to global partners.” The Tufts Daily.

Guan, Yiyen Tom. 2020. “Talloires Network marks 15th anniversary, rebrands global coalition.The Tufts Daily.

Hollister, Robert, and Gearan, Mark. 2013. “Moving Beyond the Ivory Tower: The Growing Global Movement Towards Greater Social Responsibility,” in Forum, 11-13. European Association for International Education.

Hollister, Robert, Pollock, John, Gearan, Mark, Reid, Janice, Stroud, Susan, and Babcock, Elizabeth. 2012. “The Talloires Network: A Global Coalition of Engaged Universities.” The Journal of Higher Education Outreach and Engagement 16, no. 4: 81-102.

Hoyt, Lorlene and Garrett, James (2020). “Deliberative Civic Engagement: Campus Experiments in Hong Kong, Israel, Kenya, and South Africa.” Higher Education Exchange.

Hoyt, Lorlene. (2018). “Reflections on Advancing University Civic Engagement Internationally.” Higher Education Exchange.

Hoyt, Lorlene. (2018). “Emancipating Minds and Practicing Freedom: A Call to Action.” Metropolitan Universities Journal.

Hoyt, Lorlene. (editor) 2017. Regional Perspectives on Learning-by-Doing: Stories from Engaged Universities around the World. East Lansing: Michigan State University Press.

Hoyt, Lorlene and Newcomb Rowe, Amy (2017). “National, Regional and Global Networks for University Community Engagement”” in The Cambridge Handbook of Service Learning and Community Engagement, edited by Corey Dolgon, Tim Eatman, and Tania Mitchell. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Hoyt, Lorlene. (2014). “University Civic Engagement: A Global Perspective.” Higher Education Exchange.

Hoyt, Lorlene, and Hollister, Robert. 2014. “Moving Beyond the Ivory Tower: The Expanding Global Movement of Engaged Universities.” in Knowledge, Engagement and Higher Education: Contributing to Social Change, edited by Budd Hall and Rajesh Tandon, 129-139, New York: Palgrave Macmillan.

Hoyt, Lorlene, and Hollister, Robert. 2014. “Strategies for Advancing Global Trends in University Civic Engagement.” All Ireland Journal of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education (AISHE-J) 6, no. 1: 1691-1710.

Hoyt, Lorlene and Newcomb Rowe, Amy. 2014.  Leaders in the Civic Engagement Movement. Tufts University.

Hoyt, Lorlene, Shibli, Rabih, Huq, Samia, Manriquez, Elisa., Cannan, Erin, Acquaah, Jude, & Karamoldoeva, Nurzhamal. (2024, June 20). “Universities as Frontline Responders: A Call to Action.”

Jimenez, Sarah. 2014. (Not quite) Measuring Impact: Civic Engagement at Tufts University.

Johnson, Mathew and Manok, Georgina. 2020. “Workshop on the Carnegie Community Engagement Classification in the African Context: A Proceedings Report.” Medford: Talloires Network, Tufts University.

Kim, Sheperd Barbara. 2014. Participatory Democracy: Listening, Patience, Leadership and Support – A Look at University of Venda’s Amplifying Community Voices Programme. 

The Mastercard Foundation and Talloires Network of Engaged Universities Launch the Next Generation Leaders Program.” 2020. Tufts Now.

The Mastercard Foundation and Talloires Network of Engaged Universities Launch the Next Generation Leaders Program.” 2020. Newswise.

Nelson, Angela. 2021. “Are Mobile Health Tools a Panacea for Global Health Challenges?Tufts Now.

O’Malley, Brendan. 2020. “Talloires Network sees tide turning for civic engagement.” University World News.

Open Society University Network and Talloires Network Launch COV-AID in Response to COVID-19 Pandemic.” 2020. Tufts Now.

Ramos, Matias. 2015. “Observaciones de Vinculación Cívica Universitaria en Estados Unidos, México y Zimbabue.” in 3ra Jornada de Investigadores sobre Aprendizaje-Servicio, 361-365. Buenos Aires: CLAYSS, Centro Latinoamericano de Aprendizaje y Servicio Solidario.

Reid, Janice. 2013. “Universities Without Walls: Engaging Our World.” Keynote address at Association of Commonwealth Universities 100th Anniversary Conference. October 17.

Nguyen, Long, Singalavanija Tossatham, Vuong, Trang. 2014. Engaging the Future. 

“‘Public Problem-Solving’: Community of Practice Supports Engaged Research While Centering Community Expertise.” 2024. Open Society University Network.

Salib, Nadine and Hernandez, Brianda. (2014). Living, Learning, and Listening with the Community.

Talloires Network of Engaged Universities Celebrates its 15th Anniversary.” 2020. Tufts Now.

Talloires Network Special Co-Edition: Explorations on sustainable and innovative leadership. 2017. Gateways: International Journal on Community Research. 

“The Talloires Student Network: Students Turning Ideas Into Action.” 2008. Medford: Talloires Network.

Watson, David, Hollister, Robert, Stroud, Susan, and Babcock, Elizabeth. (editors) 2011. The Engaged University. New York: Routledge.

Talloires Network, Global Coalition of Engaged Universities: 2012-2013 Annual Report. 2013. Medford: Talloires Network, Tufts University.

University Ranking Systems
Monaco, Anthony, and de la Rey, Cheryl. 2015. “World University Rankings Blog: Should Global League Tables Consider Community Engagement?” London: Times Higher Education. September 5.

Warden, Rebecca, and Jongsma, Ard. 2014. “Call for Civic Engagement Shake-up of University Rankings.” University World News, no. 346, December 5.

Talloires Network Leaders Conferences

Dobson, Gretchen and Edersheim,  Kathy. 2021. “Networks Can Improve International Student Experience.” University World News, October 16 2021.

Greenfield, Nathan M. 2021. “Teaching The Power to Make Changes in Everyday Life.”  University World News. July 17 2021.

Greenfield, Nathan M. 2021. “Young Leaders Plan Next Steps Towards Gender Equity.” University World News. September 11 2021.

Greenfield, Nathan M. 2021. “Universities Must Challenge US Congress on Climate Change – Kerry.University World News. October 6 2021.

Greenfield, Nathan M. 2021. “Powers and Responsibilities of Universities in a Time of Crises.” University World News. October 6 2021.

Greenfield, Nathan M. 2021. “A Decolonised Approach to Tackling Community ChallengesUniversity World News. November 27 2021.

Jongsma, Ard. 2014. “Can Community Action Open Up Universities?” University World News, no. 343, November 14.

MacGregor, Karen. 2014. “Crucial Engagement Questions for Talloires Universities.” University World News, no. 346, December

MacGregor, Karen. 2011. “Global: Community Engagement Emerging as a Key Issue.” University World News, no. 175, June 12.

MacGregor, Karen. 2014. “Rapid Growth in University Engagement Worldwide.” University World News, no. 327, July 4.

MacGregor, Karen. 2014. “Student Engagement — Learning Skills, Changing Lives.” University World News, no. 342, November 9.

MacGregor, Karen. 2014. “University Engagement — Perspectives from the Global South.” University World News, no. 345, November 30.

Mitchell, Nic. 2021. Students Share Vision for ‘Pandemic-Proof’ Universities.University World News, August 6 2021.

Mitchell, Nic. 2021. Structured Listening is Key to Tackling Climate Change.University World News, October 16 2021.

Mitchell, Nic. 2021. Dealing with Fake News, COVID-19 and Armed Conflicts.” University World News, November 6 2021.

Perold, Helene. 2006. Strengthening the Civic Roles and Social Responsibilities of Higher Education: Rebuilding a Global Network. The Talloires Conference 2005. Medford: Jonathan M. Tisch College of Civic Life  at Tufts University.

Sharma, Yojana. 2014. “Major Scholarship Fund Targets Disadvantaged Students.” University World News, no. 346, December 5.

Sharma, Yojana. 2014. “University Engagement Networks Go Global.” University World News, no. 339, October 16

Talloires Network. 2021. “Talloires Network Leaders Conference 2021 (English)”

Talloires Network. 2021. “Talloires Network Leaders Conference 2021 (Spanish)”

Talloires Network. 2017. “Social Responsibility and Human Dignity in Higher Education Engagement.”

Talloires Network. 2014. “Live Engagement, Transform Lives.”

Talloires Network. 2012. “Talloires Network Leaders Conference: Madrid.”

Talloires Network. 2009. “Report on Roundtable Discussion between Leaders in Philanthropy and Higher Education,” Carnegie Foundation.

The Rockefeller Foundation’s Bellagio Center. (Unpublished) 2010. “The Talloires Network: Higher Education Responding to Social Needs.” Medford: Talloires Network, Tufts University.

Warden, Rebecca, and MacGregor, Karen. 2014. “Forging the Future of University Engagement — Talloires.” University World News, no 348, December 19.

Warden, Rebecca. 2014. “Engaged Universities Contribute to Economic Development.” University World News, no. 348, December 19.

Warden, Rebecca. 2014. “Keeping Values in University Engagement — A Case Study.” University World News, no. 348, December 19.

Warden, Rebecca. 2014. “Mexico, Sweden, US — Different Ways to Serve Communities.” University World News, no. 348, December 19.

Warden, Rebecca. 2011. “Sudan: University Channels Female Power to Community.” University World News, no. 177, June 26.

Preparing Students for Civic and Economic Participation

For Youth By Youth: Next Generation Leaders Alumni Workshop and Conference Video (2023)

Hoyt, Lorlene et al. (2017). “University Entrepreneurship Education for Individual and Community Transformation.” Toronto: Mastercard Foundation, 1-28.

Hoyt, Lorlene, Bryson, Alyssa, Belloy, Patricio, Ching, Monique, and Diaz, Jonathan. 2016. Emprendizaje: Higher Education for Entrepreneurship, Learning, and Collective Intelligence in Southern Chile. Medford: Talloires Network, Tufts University and Cambridge: MIT CoLab, Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

Ladrón de Guevara, Sara and Monaco, Anthony. 2017. “Community Spirit Universities Redefining How Students Learn.”

Makoni, Munyaradzi. 2014. “Education for Youth Employment through YEPI.” University World News, no. 348, December 19.

Newcomb Rowe, Amy. 2013. “Tackling Unemployment: the Youth Economic Participation Initiative.” in Genius, 9: 6-7. The Association of Commonwealth Universities.

Next Generation Leaders Program Report 2021 (October 2021)

Nurturing The Next Generation Leaders Vision: For Youth By Youth – August 2023 Gathering (2023)

Sharma, Yojana. 2014. “Initiative to Help Graduates’ Transition to Workforce.” University World News, no. 348, December 19.

Sharma, Yojana. 2014. “Universities and Employability — Preparing for the Demands of Work.” University World News, no. 333, September 5.

Warden, Rebecca. 2014. “Strong Role for Universities in Training Entrepreneurs.” University World News, no. 344, November 12.

Youth Economic Participation Initiative (YEPI) Feature Film. 2017.

YEPI film. Rizq: Food and Ingenuity in Pakistan. 2017.

YEPI film. Sha’p Left Clinic: Health Entrepreneurship in South Africa.2017. 

YEPI film. A New Kind of Farming in Zimbabwe. 2017.

Yiannakaris, Elli. 2017. “Universities Must Move From Teaching to Transforming.” University World News. 

*This list is not comprehensive and does not include blog posts, newsletter articles, and other similar pieces.